
I'm broadly interested in aspects of imaging, inverse problems, optimization, signal processing, scientific computing, numerical methods, numerical simulation, high-performance computing, machine learning, data analysis, sesimic data processing, and wave propagation. My thesis work is in wave-based imaging, with an emphasis on seismic imaging and inversion. While my main application area has been for geophysical problems, I have broad and interdisciplinary interests.

For my publications list, please see my Google Scholar profile.

Superresolution with the zero-phase imaging condition

Collaborated with Laurent Demanet (MIT)

Physics-embedded inverse analysis with automatic differentiation for the earth's subsurface

Collaborated with Wu Hao (1st author, LANL) and Daniel O'Malley (LANL)

Early steps towards practical subsurface computations with quantum computing

Collaborated with Daniel O'Malley (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

A comparison of linear solvers for resolving flow in three-dimensional discrete fracture networks

Collaborated with Jeffrey Hyman (LANL) and Daniel O'Malley (LANL)

An approach to seismic inversion with quantum annealing

Collaborated with Daniel O'Malley (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

A data matching algorithm and its applications in seismic data analysis

Undergraduate honors thesis, UT Austin 2018

Prestack phase corrections using local seismic attributes

Collaborated with Sergey Fomel (UT Austin) and Michael Fry (BP)

Improving migration resolution by approximating the least-squares Hessian using non-stationary amplitude and frequency matching

Collaborated with Zhiguang Xue (UT Austin) and Sergey Fomel (UT Austin)

Matching and merging high-resolution and legacy seismic images

Collaborated with Sergey Fomel (UT Austin)

Balancing local frequency content in seismic data using non-stationary smoothing

Collaborated with Sergey Fomel (UT Austin)